Friday, January 1, 2010

Goals For The New Year----See Last Year!

Last New Year's I set several goals for myself. What did I accomplish? Not as much as I had planned! But instead of making new unattainable goals....I will try to finish what I started last year!
Here is my list from then.....
1. Organize all of my genealogy papers and get them into binders. NO
2. Get all of my photos and videos onto CD's and DVD's. NO
3. Visit my special friends...and do lunch! ONCE....I will work on this again!
4. Go through all of my vintage linens and organize them. I'm "willing" them to my granddaughter Emma someday. NO
5. Paint my living room and hallway...pick a color. YES!!!!! In a bright and sunny yellow!
6. Organize my kitchen and declutter. YES
7. Finish organizing my office. YES and moved it to another room too!
8. Go to the Beach...soon. YES.....3 times! I'm ready to go again....can you say cabin fever?
9. Visit my brother and his family near Seattle...soon. NO.....I meant to, really.
10. Actually do some yard work this year. I did very little last summer. YES
11. Spend one on one time with each of my 3 grandkids doing simple things like baking or going on a walk to the playground. YES....mostly one got this extra attention....will work on the other two!
12. Go on more *Girls Only* trips with friends and one planned already! YES
13. Go camping more often this summer....more all family trips. ONCE.....camping isn't as fun as it used to be! I'd rather stay home now.....
14. Take the boat out and go fishing even if it's raining! NO
15. Mop my floors more often! That's why I got the Steam Shark for Christmas! YES....thanks to 2 muddy dogs :(
16. Stop worrying so much about.....everything! YES....this was surprisingly easy to accomplish!
17. Enjoy my life as it is....everyday! YES....I appreciate my life just as it is.
18. This one should be FIRST on my list: Be kinder to my husband as he is so kind to me :) He really is a SAINT! I tried......

My goal for 2010 is to finish all the things I didn't get done last year.  I also want to exercise more and to actually use my treadmill that didn't see nearly enough of me last year! It is NOT a clothes rack! 


1 comment:

Sandee said...

Your blog is so pretty! I just set little tiny, daily mini goals now..Happy New Year!